Monday, January 14, 2013

For sharing :)



英文为Diary Day,每年的1月14日。


感言:可是很遗憾的是已经没有人会这么做了,在网上更新blog的已经寥寥无几,更不用说会有传统的手写日记,很怀念在记忆中曾经有一本巧克力色的大方格还是中方格作业本(不太记得了)是在小学时用来写日记的,还要交给级任老师阅读及改正,如果还有好好保留着的话,该有多好.... 看了应该会有很大的感触,内容也应该很好笑吧 XD

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 的 雄 志

虽然来到崭新的一年里,钱依然不够用,计划还是照跑 XD

1. 这个月是我妹和另一个重要人物的一年一度的大节日,我还在烦恼着要买些什么,搞些什么不一样的噱头来取悦他们,每年都一样是很"显"一下的咯... 虽然他说简简单单就好,可是毕竟今年是我第一次为他庆祝,看着办吧 ;)

2. 二月轮到二嫂跟三嫂,请他们吃一餐算了,买礼物很头痛呐... 今年又多了一个嫂嫂跟一封红包,嘻嘻,而且我就快可以当姑姑了,很期待哦!可以去看看婴儿用品了 ^_^ 当然还有积极地筹备跟迎接农历新年!

3. 三月四月五月要更努力一些,如果可以找到新工作那当然更好咯!爸妈的生日分别在三月五月,到时再算,每次都是我包办,看来今年我也跑不掉了吧!

4. 六月噢六月,算是今年的"第一飞"吧,庆祝我精彩地活了27年,也庆祝我们快乐地"短跑"了一年,以后的日子还长着呢 XD 目的地是在可以乘风破浪,可以按摩按到爽,可以吃东荫公,可以看人妖秀,令人乐而忘返的地方 :p 

好了,先到这里,后半年暂时只有一件大事,我还在挣扎着看到底要不要去体验一下 4095公尺高的超优越感觉,这是本人在30岁前一定要完成的一项"伟绩"BUT am I capable or am I physically fit for it? 未知之数... 哈!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

the brand new year of 2013 @_@

Gosh... another 1 year has gone!!! =..="

After a long long long holiday (from 21 Dec till 1 Jan), I'm back to work >< surfing the internet & SUDDENLY I feel like writing something... I can hardly remember the existence of this blog. LOL

All the while I'm known for being a busy woman who is always working on events. Actually my passion for events has been reduced bit by bit due to aging & health issue. Thinking of changing industry :)

Let's see how it goes at the beginning of the year & decide at the second half of this year. Resume not nice if keep changing job, haha ~

Back to 7 months ago, I've started a new relationship with 1 of my best friend. Life is so unpredictable! LOL I think he should be my MR RIGHT who I really wanted to hold tight & never let go. 

Receiving acceptance & wishes from all others, we should start planning something since we are not that young anymore, hehehe ~  & surprisingly, I started to love kids... OMG...

There's a quote saying - MIND will constantly changes at different ages. It's true XD

 Taken @ Miniland of Legoland, JB